Visit to Deputy Minister of Environment and Urbanization Ms. Fatma Varank by RODA Capacity Building Specialist Sertaç Işık and Deputy Mr. Cemal Bekle



Visit to Deputy Minister of Environment and Urbanization Ms. Fatma Varank by RODA Capacity Building Specialist Sertaç Işık and Deputy Mr. Cemal Bekle

Visit to Deputy Minister of Environment and Urbanization Ms. Fatma Varank by RODA Capacity Building Specialist Sertaç Işık and Deputy Mr. Cemal Bekle

RODA Capacity Building Specialist Sertaç Işık, together with MP Mr. Cemal Bekle, met with Deputy Minister of Environment and Urbanization Ms. Fatma Varank. During the meeting, on-site remediation, street improvement works and the problems of waste collectors were discussed.

During the meeting where suggestions for new structural arrangements were conveyed, a consensus was reached to produce permanent solutions by taking part in the solution process.