


To date, Zero Discrimination has reached thousands of people to help disadvantaged communities develop socially and culturally and to build social solidarity against prejudice and discrimination against these communities. It has achieved this thanks to its supporters who believe in equality and are committed to goodness.

For Zero Discrimination, which is a big family with its members, employees, activists, donors and volunteers, one of the most important links of a civil society movement is volunteering. Volunteering means running wherever there is a need, no matter how big or small, and sharing one's time, experience and skills without expecting anything in return.

Disadvantaged communities are struggling with deep poverty. Children are born into a life struggle in the heart of metropolises, completely deprived of their rights to housing, health and social security. It is every child's right to live their childhood, go to school and have equal opportunities with their peers!

You can touch someone's life on the path of goodness and equality, free from discrimination. You can be in solidarity with people who do not start life on equal terms. You can contribute to their survival.


Be with us! Be hope!